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Letra 'I choose' de 'Offspring' traducida al español

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I choose

Look at me iand'm fallinand'
off of a cliff now
i can still hear my mama yelling no no no
but the words mean nothing
canand't catch up to me now
and the view is so beautiful
all the way down
when i was a little boy
suckinand' juice from a bottle
believing my perceptions were oh so real
but i donand't know nothing
still knowing nothing
was just enough for me to know the way i feel
this is life
what a fucked up thing we do
what a nightmare come true
or a playground if we choose
and i choose
Look at me iand'm swollen
like a banana fish now
iand'm never gonna make it out of my hole
but i keep on laughing
doesnand't really matter
thereand's dozens of reasons for explaining my soul
when i was a teenager
suckinand' booze with the vatos
discussing who was gonna live to be 21
they said they wouldnand't make it
they didnand't make it
weand're all naked when the day is said and done
this is life
what a fucked up thing we do
what a nightmare come true
or a playground if we choose
and i choose
Donand't know who made this all come true
but now while youand're here
you just gotta do what you gotta do
now if i wasnand't such a weenie
do you think youand'd still love me
pretending iand'm an airplane on the living
room floor
but like a lovely generator
you stand right by me
and if words were wisdom iand'd be talking
even more
so i keep on falling
as iand'm looking back above me
watching as my mama just becomes a little dot
now iand'm like deniro
iand'm amarillo
and iand'll never know when i hit the ground

Mírame iand'm fallinand '
fuera de un acantilado ahora
Todavía puedo oír a mi mamá gritando no no no
pero las palabras no significan nada
canand't ponerse al día para mí ahora
y la vista es tan hermosa
todo el camino
cuando yo era un niño pequeño
jugo de suckinand 'de una botella
creyendo que mis percepciones eran oh tan real
pero yo no sé nada donand't
sigue sin saber nada
era más que suficiente para mí para saber lo que siento
esta es la vida
¡Qué cosa tan jodido que hacemos
lo que es una pesadilla hecha realidad
o de un patio de recreo, si elegimos
y elijo
Mírame iand'm hinchada
como un pez plátano ahora
iand'm nunca va a lograr salir de mi agujero
pero yo sigo riendo
doesnand't importa
thereand decenas de razones para explicar mi alma
cuando era un adolescente
bebida suckinand 'con los vatos
discutiendo quién se va a vivir hasta los 21
dijeron que wouldnand't hacerlo
didnand't que hacerlo
weand're todos desnudos cuando el día está dicho y hecho
esta es la vida
¡Qué cosa tan jodido que hacemos
lo que es una pesadilla hecha realidad
o de un patio de recreo, si elegimos
y elijo
Donand't saber quién hizo todo esto hecho realidad

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