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Letra 'Bar italia' de 'Pulp' traducida al español

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Bar italia

Now if you can stand,
i would like to take you by the hand, yeah,
and go for a walk,
past people as they go to work.
Oh, letand's get out of this place,
before they tell us that weand've just died.
move, move quick, youand've gotta move.
come on itand's through, come on itand's time.
oh look at you, you,
youand're looking so confused,
just what did you lose?
If you can make an
order could you get me one?
two sugars would be great,
cos iand'm fading fast,
and itand's nearly dawn.
If they knocked down this place, this place,
itand'd still look much better than you.
move, move quick, youand've gotta move.
come on itand's through, come on itand's time.
oh look at you, you,
youand're looking so confused,
what did you lose?
oh, itand's ok itand's just your mind.
If we get through this alive,
iand'll meet you next week, same place, same time.
oh move, move quick youand've gotta move.
come on itand's through, come on itand's time.
oh look at you, you,
youand're looking so confused,
what did you lose?
Thatand's what you get from clubbing it.
you canand't go home and go to bed,
because it hasnand't worn off yet,
and now itand's morning.
thereand's only one place we can go.
itand's around the corner in soho,
where other broken people go.
letand's go.
De abogado en Italia

Ahora bien, si usted puede estar parado,
me gustaría que te lleve de la mano, sí,
e ir a dar un paseo,
la gente del pasado, ya que ir a trabajar.
¡Oh, letand a salir de este lugar,
antes de que nos dicen que weand've acaba de morir.
Muévete, muévete rápido, tienes que youand've.
vamos itand a través de, llegar a tiempo de itand.
oh mira tú, tú,
youand're pareces tan confundida,
justo lo que has perdido?
Si usted puede hacer una
Para ¿me podría conseguir uno?
dos de azúcar sería genial,
cos iand'm desapareciendo rápidamente,
y itand de casi el amanecer.
Si derribaron este lugar, este lugar,
itand'd todavía se ven mucho mejor que tú.
Muévete, muévete rápido, tienes que youand've.
vamos itand a través de, llegar a tiempo de itand.
oh mira tú, tú,
youand're pareces tan confundida,
lo que has perdido?
oh, ok itand itand es sólo de su mente.
Si conseguimos a través de esta vida,
iand'll reunirse la semana que viene, el mismo lugar, mismo tiempo.
oh mueva, mueva youand've rápida Gotta Move.
vamos itand a través de, llegar a tiempo de itand.
oh mira tú, tú,
youand're pareces tan confundida,
lo que has perdido?
Thatand es lo que se obtiene de club en club.

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