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Letra 'I want you' de 'Pulp' traducida al español

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I want you

Hey, you can look, you can look just like anyone else
if that's what you want to do. I,
I could laugh, I could laugh in your face if I want oh, but I'm not going to.
([backing vocals:] ba ba ba ba)
When we met last week on Saturday,
([backing vocals:] ba ba ba ba)
I couldn't make a sentence, I couldn't even say what I meant to say:
that I want you (it doesn't hurt to say I want you), I need you
(I never thought I'd say I need you), I'll keep you,
oh yes I'll keep you and I'll throw myself away, away, away,
and I'll break you because I lose myself inside you, I'll make you
fit in the space that I provide you, I'll take you,
oh yes, I'll take you just to push you far away, away, away.
Yes, yes, you're all, yes you're all that I ever desire,
still I'll kill you in the end.
When, when it seems, when it seems that it's getting too soft,
when you lapse into a friend,
([backing vocals:] ba ba ba ba)
There's someone just behind the door
([backing vocals:] ba ba ba ba)
so don't betray your feelings, no don't talk anymore,
never dare to say that I want you
(it doesn't hurt to say I want you), I need you
(I never thought I'd say I need you), I'll keep you,
oh yes I'll keep you and I'll throw myself away, away, away,
and I'll break you because I lose myself inside you, I'll make you
fit in the space that I provide you, I'll take you,
oh yes, I'll take you just to push you far away, away, away.
Now, now we come, now we come to the end of it all,
see it squirming, almost dead.
No, you can't leave, you can't leave it to die here in pain.
You've got to stamp upon it's head.
([backing vocals:] ba ba ba ba)
I'll go out and you'll stay home
([backing vocals:] ba ba ba ba)
facing up to living, living on your own, and I'll curse my pride,
curse my pride, curse my stupid pride because I want you
(it doesn't hurt to say I want you), I need you
(I never thought I'd say I need you), I'll keep you,
oh yes I'll keep you and I'll throw myself away, away, away, and I'll break you
because I lose myself inside you, I'll make you
fit in the space that I provide you, I'll take you,
oh yes, I'll take you just to push you far away, away, away.
Te quiero a ti

Hola, se puede ver, se puede ver como todo el mundo
si eso es lo que quieres hacer. I,
Yo podía reír, podía reírme en su cara si yo quiero oh, pero yo no voy a hacer.
([Coros:] ba ba ba ba)
Cuando nos reunimos la semana pasada, el sábado,
([Coros:] ba ba ba ba)
Yo no podía hacer una oración, ni siquiera podía decir lo que quería decir:
que te quiero (no hace daño a decir te quiero), te necesito
(Nunca pensé que diría que te necesito), te voy a mantener,
oh, sí te voy a llevar y me tiraré lejos, lejos, lejos,
y te voy a romper, porque me pierdo dentro de ti, te voy a hacer
caben en el espacio que te ofrecen, te llevo,
ah, sí, te llevo sólo para empujar lejos, lejos, lejos.
Sí, sí, eso es todo, sí que está todo lo que he deseo,
todavía te voy a matar en el final.
Cuando, al parecer, cuando parece que se está haciendo demasiado suave,
cuando caen en un amigo,
([Coros:] ba ba ba ba)
Hay alguien detrás de la puerta
([Coros:] ba ba ba ba)
por lo tanto no traicionar sus sentimientos, no, no hablamos más,
nunca se atreven a decir que te quiero
(No hace daño

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