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Letra 'Have you seen her lately?' de 'Pulp' traducida al español

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Have you seen her lately?

First you let him in your bed.
now heand's moved inside your head.
and he directs all the dreams you are dreaming.
i saw a friend of yours today,
she called me over just to say,
andquot;i dunno if youand've seen her lately but god sheand's looking roughandquot;.
No donand't go round to see him tonight,
heand's already made such a mess of your life.
find something else to do with your time,
and do it quickly while youand've still got the chance.
Do you think heand'll fall apart?
do you think youand'll break his heart?
if you leave him on his own.
you are dreaming.
cos he can fasten all his clothes,
tie his laces,
blow his nose.
itand's time to teach him how to walk,
yeah, teach your baby how to walk away.
No donand't go round to see him tonight,
heand's already made such a mess of your life.
find something else to do with your time,
and do it quickly while youand've still got the chance.
Youand're not his mother,
youand're not sister and brother.
heand's not even your lover.
heand's just a piece of luggage you should throw away.
No donand't go round to see him tonight,
heand's already made such a mess of your life.
find something else to do with your time,
and do it quickly while youand've still got the chance.
No donand't go round tonight,
youand'll never make it right.
heand's already made such a mess of your life.
find something else to do with your time,
and do it quickly while youand've still got the chance.
¿La has visto últimamente?

En primer lugar, le dejó en su cama.
Ahora Heand ha movido dentro de tu cabeza.
y dirige todos los sueños que se sueñan.
Vi a un amigo suyo de hoy,
ella me llamó sólo para decir:
andquot, no sé si youand've visto últimamente, pero roughandquot buscando a Dios de sheand;.
No donand't dar la vuelta a verlo esta noche,
Heand ya ha hecho un lío de su vida.
encontrar algo más que hacer con su tiempo,
y hacerlo con rapidez, mientras que youand've todavía tiene la oportunidad.
¿Cree usted que heand'll derrumbarse?
cree usted que youand'll a romper el corazón?
si se le dejara solo.
usted está soñando.
cos se puede fijar toda su ropa,
atarse los cordones,
sonarse la nariz.
itand tiempo para enseñarle a caminar,
sí, enseñar a su bebé a pie.
No donand't dar la vuelta a verlo esta noche,
Heand ya ha hecho un lío de su vida.
encontrar algo más que hacer con su tiempo,
y hacerlo con rapidez, mientras que youand've todavía tiene la oportunidad.
Youand're no a su madre,
No youand're hermana y hermano.
Heand ni siquiera es su amante.
Heand es sólo una pieza de equipaje que se debe desechar.
No donand't dar la vuelta para ver de alta

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